How To Redeem Your Free Marvel Comic Digital Edition
You should have noticed by now that most of the physical Marvel Comics come with a free digital edition of the same comic title. The comics come with a code for you to redeem digital comics.
If you are not sure, take a look at it now. Here’s the sample from my Uncanny X-Force #5. At the bottom of the cover, you will see the Bonus Digital Edition logo.

Found it?
Now flip through the pages and you will find a page with a Marvel Free Digital Comic Offer peel out sticker. Peel it out and it will reveal a code that you can use to redeem your free digital copy.

How Do I Redeem Marvel Comics? Where Can I Redeem My Marvel Digital Comic Code?
To redeem your code:
- Go to
- You are required to sign in to your Marvel account. If you don’t have on, proceed to sign up first. Once you have signed up and login, you will be taken to a screen to enter the redemption code.
- Enter the 12-digit code in the empty field and click “Add to Cart” button.
- It shows you the cover of the digital comic. Click “Continue”.
- You need to provide the name of the shop where you bought the physical comic from.
- Then press the “Redeem” button.
- Done. The comic is now part of your digital collection.
Here’s the step by step “Redeem” process screenshots using my Samsung Galaxy Note. Take note that I have already signed in to You need a marvel account to redeem. It will prompt you to sign in or create a new marvel account in the process.

Once the process is done, you can start reading it on your digital device. Here are some screenshots which I took with my Samsung Galaxy Note smartphone. If you are using a 10-inch tablet or an iPad, it will not be a problem to view the full page. On my Note, it is quite small, so when I am reading my digital comics I use the panel by panel view.

Here is how the panel by panel view looks like.

If you are considering digital comics, you should also consider getting yourself a tablet, an iPad or Kindle.
It is much easier to read it on a table rather than on a smartphone. Read my review on the Best Table For Reading Comics.
However, if you are only reading digital once in a while, then a smartphone will do just fine. I have been using Samsung for quite a while and I do really recommend the Samsung Galaxy Note series (links to Amazon).
It comes with an S Pen which is like a magic wand. You can do a lot with it. The Samsung Galaxy Note series has better specifications if you compare it with other Samsung smartphone models.
Does redeeming Marvel digital comics reduce the value of your comic?
Another thing. The sticker brings up a whole new collectible problem. You need to peel the sticker out to get the 12-digit and after that, it will not stick back.
I’m sure the most hardcore collectors especially the fussy ones would prefer the sticker to be intact, but it’s not a big issue to me. The code does expire, though. So why not download it?
Read in a CGC forum that a collector submitted three comics with the redemption sticker peeled off, and he still managed to get 9.8 for all three. Here’s the link to the CGC Forum.
What do you think?