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X-Force #5: Necessary Force

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X-Force #5 cover

X-Force #5

Volume: 6, Issue: 5
Story By: Benjamin Percy
Art By: Joshua Cassara
Colors By: Dean White and Rachelle Rosenberg
Letters By: VC’s Joe Caramagna
Cover By: Dustin Weaver and Edgar Delgado
Release Date: January 8, 2020

Greenspace, another facility in San Francisco, California owned by Charles Xavier found itself under attack by Xeno operatives. The humans were prepared. Xeno has anticipated X-Force arrival and destroyed the Krakoan gates at the facility resulting in Kid Omega’s death and Wolverine being cut in half.

Domino was left stranded on Krakoa. Seems like luck is not on her side anymore. Was her past experience with Xeno has lessened her abilities?

What did they do to her other than taking her right eye and the skin of the right half of her body?

“It’s like my luck is lesser somehow. Like a rabbit foot with the fur worn off.”

x-force #5 half-cut wolverine
Kid Omega decapitated and Wolverine cut into half.

For a team that has infiltrated Krakoa and killed Professor X in the first issue, and also the financial attack on Xavier Pharmaxeuticals, Xeno’s intelligence is not good enough. Too bad that they didn’t know that Wolverine could heal.

The Xeno operatives should have finish Wolverine off rather than allow him to kill one of them.

x-force #5 wolverine with a big grin on his first kill

Anyway, Wolverine got barraged by two of the operatives just before the arrival of Domino and Forge with the help of Gateway.

If you are into Wolverine, check out Wolverine Comics. You will love the volume 7 series.

x-force # arrival of domino, forge and gateway

Domino unleashed her rage on the Xeno operatives, revenge for the brutality committed upon her. Killing two of them. If it is not for Beast who kept asking for Domino to capture instead of kill, he might not have anyone to interrogate. You can feel the difficulty of Domino trying not to kill.

It is interesting to see Gateway joining the fight, destroying the operatives’ means of escape.

There’s also a fascinating data page of the psychology and physiology of Black Tom’s association with the island. He ‘talks’ to Krakoa and Krakoa do the bidding on his behalf. This was executed nicely when Black Tom was interacting with Gateway to get the team to Greenspace.

In Summary, X-Force #5 …

Overall X-Force #5 has a nice pace in storytelling. It will keep you hooked from the start. The artwork is awesome. It’s also brutal. Wolverine had a big grin on his face while killing someone. And this is while he is still cut in half.

Quintin Quire

Considering that the X-Force are practically un-kill-able now, death seems meaningless. I would like to see how Percy work on this further in future issues of X-Force and also X-Men.

And I thought that Quintin Quire is not coming back. Not sure why, but don’t like him very much.

I think I am going to re-start buying physical ongoing series from now onwards.

Read our review of the first issue: X-Force #1.

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